Let’s experience the best,
After 2 years of development,
SeekPeak is ready along with
the rest of world to travel, explore,
A curated collection of recommendations from people you admire and trust, forever available at your fingertips. Access the recommendations of your friends, experts, tastemakers on a list or a map - whenever you want, wherever you are.
You can also use SeekPeak to save, organize and plan with what you find.
But enough about us. Let’s talk about you. We want to know everything you love. And help you connect to incredible experiences, nothing short of the best the world has to offer for our friends (and that includes you, now.)
So go to the AppStore, Download SeekPeak and set up your profile (please).
Thank you, so much.
xx Seekpeak
Peak travel and life experiences for those seeking.
Travel and lifestyle referrals from people you know and trust.
A socially networked platform to connect to the recommendations you actually want, those of your friends, experts and celebrities. Along with the proper tools to save, organize and verify what you find.
The existing democratic review system is broken. The place with the most high ratings is not ‘the best’. We only share people's recommendations, what they think is the best everywhere they've been.
We believe in the transformative power of the right recommendation, for the discerning and curious in travel and everyday life as well as businesses big and small.
Create and share lists or the details of past trips. Collaborate on upcoming trip plans with others. See the recommendations of others in easy to navigate lists, like 'How to Spend a Day in Paris', 'My Favourite Vegan Eats', or 'Best Interior Designers'.